Sunday, May 9, 2010

Caste Discrimination in modern India : Social Cause 1

Recently, i was surprised to read an article in TOI (click here for article)
, stating that according to US officicals and philsophers {Pew Research Centre} India is next only to Iraq when it comes to social hostility and religious discrimination perpetrated by individuals and groups.
According to the study 'Global Restrictions on religion' which conducted in 198 countries, India is next to Iraq in caste discrimination.
I too personally feel that this discrimination has increased in modern India when the Indian think-tanks emphasize that it has been eradicated in modern India.
This discrimination has been further raised to another level by the politicians foe the vote banks.
So lets pledge to eradicate this social evil and create a caste discrimination free INDIA. Please add your comment and give us ways to eradicate. Lets join on this blog and create a peace movement. Spread the word about this blog.